How I Can Help

My name is Chris, and with over 10 years experience as an accountant, I know the importance of understanding money, retaining money and making a financial plan for the future.

I also understand the pitfalls, having my own personal finance challenges. With $43,000+ of debt in our late 20s, my wife and I made this THE priority in our life and were able to pay it off completely in under a year.

We shifted our mindset, reduced spending, held 10 minute monthly budget meetings to make sure we were on the same page and strategized which debts to prioritize.

We remained diligent with our finances and were able to buy the home of our dreams while continuing to invest for our future! And now we plan on sharing these values with our 2 young children in hopes they can get an earlier head start than we did.

But none of that happens if we had skipped the basics:

  • Budgeted our finances

  • Become ruthless with our spending

  • Got aggressive with paying off our debt

Which is where you should start too. If you haven’t received the FREE budget template and FREE debt payment calculator yet, you can do that by clicking the button below!